Welcome to Northern Michigans 800 yard shooting range

Over all my years of guiding big game hunters the one thing that stands out the most is that 95% of all the hunters I talk to don't have a place to shoot more than 200 yards. So here it is , I finally built a fun and intuitive range for hunters to prepare them for that one opportunity . Reasons someone would come out and use my services other than this is 110% shooting fun , is that now you will know if your gun and yourself has the ability to make a mid to long range shot . If you are proficient in these mid to long ranges, I estimate that your success rate for your next big game hunt would increase by 40-50%.
Targets are ar500 steel gongs, life size animal targets with steel gong vital area's and realistic life size photo targets of animals. Test your equipment and shooting skills out to 800 yds.
I can put together a whole complete rifle for you or add some modifications to your current rifle.
We finish off by taking that one shot at that animal of a lifetime. We have moose, elk, caribou, whitetail, muleteer, antelope, mountain goat and wolf targets.
This is for you to get a chance and see if your gun and yourself are ready to take those longer shots on your next big game hunt. Targets from 100 yds to 800 yds.
Steel gong's, life size animal silhouettes and paper targets
This is where we start off at the 100 yd range to make sure everything is lined up and your getting good groups off the lead sled. Then we will progress out to the further targets getting you ready for those long range shots.
Shooting off a lead sled, sand bags and shooting sticks. Preparation on all the aspects of taking that mid to long range shot. We will be shooting the steel gongs and life size animal targets.
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